The Book of Ruth


The book of Ruth is a romantic story but it is much more than a Mills and Boon novelette. Many people have said that it is the most beautiful short story ever written. It is expertly crafted.

We find in this book excellent examples of faith, piety, patience, humility, industry, and loving-kindness in the common events of life. Also we see the special care which God’s providence takes of our smallest concerns, encouraging us to full trust therein. We may view this book as a beautiful, because natural, representation of human life; ...and as a part of the plan of redemption. Matthew Henry.

David Atkinson comments that as Ruth is connected to the book of Judges (see v1) it is a story painted on a large canvas of national upheavals, focussing on individuals in that context. Ruth focusses on one man and his family without ignoring the national and international background. He says, “It reminds us that the God of the nations is also concerned about the ordinariness of ‘a certain man.”[1] In the midst of darkness (Judges) a light shines (Ruth).

My rough analysis of the book :
Prologue 1.1-5
Persuasion 1.6-18
Preparation 1.19-2.18
Plan 2.19-3.5
Performance 3.6-18
Production 4.1-17
Postscript 4.18-22

The purpose of these studies in the book of Ruth is for us to see the nature and character of our God. His over-arching providence is seen in every scene. We see him directly referred to on several occasions and how he directly brought about certain events. Look for these as you read the book. Yahweh is mentioned eighteen times in four short chapters! But also look out for hints of his nature as you watch the characters of the story interact in this small part of God’s plan of redemption.

Read Ruth through two or three times, in different Bible versions, if possible[2].

Consider: what are your thoughts about the book. Is it a good story? Does it make sense? Did you learn anything for your walk with the Lord? What are your thoughts about the characters?

Pray: Lord Jesus, thank you for the book of Ruth. I ask that you will help me to see your grace in it and to learn to show your character in my daily life. Amen.

Michael S. Bostock, October 2020.

[1] The Message of Ruth, David Atkinson, The Bible Speaks Today, IVP 1983, p31.

[2] For these studies I have used the New King James Version.