What is Christianity all about: Is it only a set of rules or is there something more to it? And what about its creditability: Can we even trust the Bible? Then what about Jesus: Who was He? What were His aims? What does it mean to follow Him?

Christianity Explored offers you the opportunity to consider these and other questions.

Running for seven Tuesday evenings, it is a course for anyone who would like to investigate Christianity or just brush up on the basic foundations of the Faith. Everyone is welcome - from those who have been attending Church a lifetime to those who have no previous experience of Church or the Bible. You can ask any question you like, or if you prefer, you can come along and simply listen.

The course is run in an informal way and no one will be asked to pray, sing or read aloud. Each week there is a short DVD talk on a different aspect of Christianity with discussion and questions afterwards. There is no charge for attending the course, and you will also get a chance to take away and read one of the eye witness accounts of Jesus' life over the duration of the course.

Why not think about coming along to the course and also consider bringing a friend, colleague or family member. If you are interested or would like further details, please email us at christianityexplored@firstards.org.uk.